Tuesday, September 10, 2013

my thoughts

Hello! So yesterday i went to my friend bridal shower it was through my church so it was fun and clean ;) I made the cake which was a corset cake. It came out really good and everyone liked it. She got a lot of dishes and cooking stuff.... my sister and i got her some cute little underwear and cute little nighty but that was it!  I don't know if I didn't get the memo not to bring that stuff. But i hope she wears them ;)
But my Monday was fun i got to spend it watching my nephews and my tio and tia came to visit :) i love my tio and tia with all my heart i hardly get to see them because they live far from me but I do try to go visit them. Anywho I had fun with them visiting and my nephews always love to come over and watch movies.  Whenever I buy movies i keep them in mind. ..i know that sound dumb but hey i gotta stay hip with new movies as well as the Tía that has cool movies hehe. We got rain yesterday and it was awesome!  I live in a desert so we hardly get rain. Well i have another eventful day today so i hope i am not to tired to write about it tonight ;)

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