Monday, September 23, 2013

Dedicated to my mom

Well this goes out to my mom ;). Well she has been staying with me for a while and i didn't mind (which is surprising ) hehe but she recently moved out and well now i feel like something is missing. I have to admit i wasn't the best daughter. We fought a lot growing up and as an adult i can't figure out why. Hehe. As a mother I look back and see what I put my mother through, I get scared because i have 4 daughters and one of them is bound to give me trouble. I am not proud of the fact that I put my mom through a lot,  no I didn't do drugs or drink or even got arrested. I got pregnant at a very young age.  I think getting into drugs or alcohol would have been easier to deal with than a teen pregnancy (which i try to hide). I brought into the world a child when I was just a child.  Yes I know i disappointed my mother but we made did and moved on. One thing I have to thank her for was that she did not once let me leave my kid with her as I went out with friends.  She taught me that my baby was my life, I was no longer a child and I have to live my life for my child and not for myself.  I only hope as I grow and raise my children I can become a song woman like her. She raised me on her own. Yes my dad became a dead beat dad (that's a different blog ). She remarried and list her husband. I have never seen my mother so happy when she was with mr. Larry.  But through all of that she stayed strong was pillar when I needed her. She didn't tell me to leave her alone or tell me to handle my own problems. She was there paying for me and telling me what i needed to hear, not sugar coating anything. For that I thank her!  As an adult, and a mother I know I owe my mom my life so I help her every way I can and not expect anything in return. I would hate myself if anything are to happen to my mom and I was able to do something to help or something. I hear people talk bad about their parents and I don't understand why. Now don't get me wrong there are a lot a lot a lot of bad moms out there and yes there I think there is a special place in hell for those moms who miss treat their kids or all of the above.  Good had entrusted us with his creation to not take care of them and live them as he lived us is just not right.  So mom Thank you for every fight we have had and every time you stood between me and what I wanted to do. I am the person I am partly because you showed me with your words and actions how to grow up and be the mom I am today. Thank you God for her and continue to keep her in your arms.  I love you mom and I will be there whenever you need me.

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