Sunday, September 8, 2013


My name is Rebekah and I am a mother and a wife. This is my first time blogging and i am not sure what to put hehe.  I am doing this from my mobile so again this is new hehe. So a little about me is I have 4 kids of my own as well as 2 step children. I love to do crafts sew make candles and bake cakes hehe.  I have a full week ahead of me, well when do i not have a full week ;) my kids keep me busy and i do cakes for people so that keeps me busy too. I just got involved in my church haunted house so i am excited about that. Yes i am a Christian i am also human. I don't claim to be perfect and i can't judge no one because I am not God. I do give advice or let ya know what your doing is wrong and it will lead you to hell. Also I am very very very very opinionated I say what i wanna say it to whoever needs to hear it. I do it with a hint of respect as well. This generation is so emotional so what i say seem to offend people. But I think that people needs to hear things (myself included) but other people are too afraid to say it. ... well i am not that person.  ;)  So here is the warning right now. .... I may say something that offends you if i do keep it to yourself I'll forget or just not care. No i am not mean. ... well yes it sounds mean but if i say something that is offensive it's not gonna run my day or my life i will keep going so yeah keep it to yourself ;) well enough about that ummm to conclude I am excited to start blogging and post things as well as pictures of crafts I do or any mischief my kids get me into hehe. So if anyone is reading or following Please feel free to comment or enjoy ;) good night ;)


  1. I'll just keep it to myself. LOL :)
    Have fun and enjoy your blogging experience!!

  2. Hehe ok ;) thanks I am sure my next blog should be interesting hehe ;p
