Thursday, September 12, 2013

Getting back to me ;)

So I had my procedure done and I am on day 2 of healing.  I am not made out for the whole sitting around and doing nothing bid hehe. I am still in a little pain but it is bare able. The whole experience was not fun lol. I guess it has to do with the doctor. ... I don't even remeber her name.  She was almost an hour late and totally forgot about me!  To make matters worse she wrote a prescription and didn't even put how many pills or how much the dose!!! So good thing I don't remeber get name or I would be spreading the word about her!  Oh wait i already am lol.  But yeah now that i am home my husband had been taking care of me and I love it. I guess I am that person that likes things done my way. I am trying to fight that and let him do things and take charge ;). One thing I do know is my kids are getting away with a whole lot more with him in charge than me lol. It drives me nuts and I have to tell him to spank her don't let her get away with that but of course he doesn't.  But I love him and have to give him a chance cuz what man would step up and let his wife rest and take a break. ... I know of none!  I do have to say I am grateful for my friends and family who have prayed for me as well as helped me out.  I am super greatful ;)  let's hope I am back to myself tomorrow and get this ship back into control ;)

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