Thursday, February 13, 2014


So this post has been on my mind a lot but I didn't want to post it because everyone I know has a situation they are going through. I don't want anyone to think that I am writing this about them. I am not and this is from what I have seen in my life.  So here it goes...
      These have been times where I observed people in situations and I have tried to give advice because I been down that road. Then of course they get mad and don't talk to me for a long time. Then when I get back in contact with them, they are in the same situation only is gotten worse. I have been in many situations over and over and over and the only way I broke that cycle was when I learned from it and grew up and moved forward.  I sees that people don't learn from it. They keep making the same decisions that end them back up in the same situation. Then they ask why does this keep happening to me, or they blame others for that. I say in my head that I been trying to tell you to grow from in and learn not to make that choice because your going to end up back where you started or don't go back with that person because your going to end up back in the same spot. Then sometimes I can't help but think that they like that kind of pain or drama because they keep going back. They don't listen to anyone who tries to help them. I just don't understand.
      But I do know a solution, his name is Jesus christ.  I think the only way I git out of my situation was because God helped me. I had family praying for me and I listened to the advice they had for me. Yes it was hard and sometimes I didnt think I had the strength to do. Yes I didn't want to leave that place or person that was getting me into that situation. For the sake of my kids and myself I left. I believe that God was there 100 percent.  So I see people and their situations and I now can't help but think only God can help them and I am that instrument used to bring them to God. Its up to you ro them to make that choice to accept His help and get out of the situation and come into Gods blessing and what he has for you.  Yes its not going to be perfect but I do know its a lot easier because He is there for me and I am not doing it alone.  He strengths me when I feel like I can't go on. Trust me it does get better all God asks of you is to let him in your heart.

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