Monday, February 24, 2014


You know what I have been noticing is that people are loosing the meaning of that word. People are so fast to turn in each other.  Loyalty is a part of life, at least to me it is very important. What I don't understand is how easy people are so quick to abandon others.

      Well let's start with friends. I see a lot of friends so quick to turn their back on their friends. Starting rumors, talking behind their backs, telling the secrets, or going around to others instead of going to that person. I don't understand how hard is it to be a loyal friend? To be honest and straight forward with each other. I don't understand staying rumors about people. Be happy with who you are and what you have. If you are a true friend you will be happy for your friend no matter what!  Even if you think they don't deserve it you still stand by your friend and support them no matter what. Don't go around telling people what you need to tell your friend.  One thing that gets me is when I find or through other people what my friend said about me. Grow Up and talk to me like an adult it shows respect. I respect you enough to let you what I think to tell you to your face have the same respect for me.

        Another place I see where loyalty is failing is in families. You are family!!! What I know is that if there is something I need to tell me family I tell them, I don't need anyone else saying anything.  Plus what I tell my family from my heart, I expect to be kept inside the family. I don't wanna hear that my family went to tell someone what I said about them in confidence, or in asking advice.  Again if I have something to say I go tell thay person, but I ask my family because I value what they have to say.  So when I see other family betraying each other and not talking, they lost loyalty to each other. So stay with family because friends come and go but family is forever they may be weird, crazy,lost, drunk, bad choices, or all of the above. You love and be loyal.
If you don't know how to be loyal you won't know loyalty when it's in your life.          
           Loyalty is important, backstabbing and rumor starting, and gossiping is not right. It doesn't make life easier, it makes life more drama and more stress and less full of love. Love each other be loyal to each other so you can have people loyal back to you. It make life better. :) I am loyal all the time I am honest all the time and I won't change. one thing people will not have to question about me is my loyalty and my honesty. I am a good friend to the end but you betray me and you lost my friendship and my trust. Sure I'll forgive you but my trust in you and my loyalty to you is and will no longer be there, yes I can rebuild it but it will be hard. So don't backstab me because you will loose a great friend, I can promise you that! 

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