Thursday, February 27, 2014

double standards

           So in Arizona, the governor veto a bill that would give business owners freedom of refusing services to people based on the owners religion preference. Now I don't know much about the bill, I have heard it was written poorly. I also heard that it was written because a business owner got sued for all they got because they refused to do business for a homosexual couple. Now I have to get this out I don't hate homosexual people, I won't bash on them or anything like that. I have friends that are homosexuals and I know as a christian people find that hard to believe. I know that only through God only people can change, so I leave that persons' sin in Gods hands, I am not the one to judge or to condemn them to hell. So with that said I will go on with my blog :).
        I don't understand why so many people are against that bill. The way I see it is that, there have been so many laws passed to give homosexuals equal rights just like everyone else. Why not give christian or other religions the same respect and opportunity.  People are afraid to discriminate the homosexuals because of the back lash or the harassment they might receive, but what about the straight people getting discriminated because they are not homosexual, what about the straight people being bashed as homophobic because that's not what they believe in. We have rights as well and who is protecting our rights and who is standing up for us. If a person says they don't agree with homosexuals they are labeled a bad person or a homophobic or much more and much worse. I feel like the governor did not protect every ones rights by vetoing that bill. I feel like she did it because she wanted the popular vote. I did not listen to what she had to say because its all excuses and blah blah blah. I don't see why people find it hard to stand up for what they believe in. We cant be wishy washy and abandon our beliefs just because we are afraid of what society is going to label us. So here I am standing up for what I believe. I believe business owners have the right to refuse service to anyone based on what they believe, that was a right that was given to us by our founding fathers.
       Now I was talking to my husband and we got on the subject about getting a job, and I remember a friend telling me that she wouldn't get hired unless she took out the pink out of her hair. So that got me thinking that what if I don't get hired because my hair is a certain color. OK ok ok my hair won't always be pink, but I know it won't always be my natural color hehe :). But I was thinking if I don't get a particular job because of my hair, I think that would be discrimination. I wonder if I was a homosexual and my hair was a certain color would they still refuse the job to me? Would I be discriminated against because I am straight? Then what is gonna happen when the straight people are being discriminated against because they are not homosexual. So I guess the laws now are double standard because it will only matter if your homosexual but not if your straight or Christian? I am assuming when the founding fathers founded our nation they didn't think that people would be questioning every little sentence, every little law that was made. I know one thing for sure is that if this double standard is gonna keep happening I will be for sure that I will stand up for my rights and my sexuality as well as my Christianity.

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