Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Wow time flies

So yesterday my daughter turned 13!! I can't believe how much she's changed and the woman she is becoming! I remember finding out I was pregnant, and going to school pregnant. The teachers would tell me "your lucky, cuz there used to be a rule you show you go" I can honestly say I showed them all!! I walked across my graduation stage with my 6 month baby in my arms!!
     My daughter always seems to amaze me! When we lived in Chandler she always tried out for the talent show even if she sang by herself. When I told them we had to move. That we wouldn't be coming back she didn't get mad, she didn't fight me, she didn't even give attitude. Now we live here away from the family we grown up with and friends we have had since kindergarten and she still smiles and has a good attitude. We start school in a couple days and to see her excited for school amazes me. We are talking about a new school, new state, new teachers, new friends and even the bus ride is different and yet she doesn't complain. I couldn't ask for a better daughter. There are times where I feel like as a mother I am a failure, maybe I am not raising my girls right. But when I see my daughter helping, playing, or even hanging out with her sisters I can't help but be proud. So I can honestly say I love my teen. She has become a beautiful,wonderful teen and I wouldn't want it any other way. I know there are parents out there that deal with bratty unruly and disobedient teens. I am glad I am not one of them. I love my daughter and I will give her my last breath. I look back at these past 13 years and say I have enjoyed motherhood. I am glad God sent you into my life. I have enjoyed these 13 years with you and I look forward to many more years of your life.

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