Tuesday, November 19, 2013


I titled this one change because a lot has changed in my family. You may not be able to see it but on the inside i know God is moving! I have been praying for my husband for God to mold him into the man of God He called my husband to be. I have to admit it wasn't happening at my church i felt like we were just left there to find our salvation on our own. *Ok I do have my sisters there and they look for me and I appreciate it all the way but its family and if they didn't look for me I would bother them hehe.*
        I have also been praying for friends!! A good one that I could go to and they would just be Godly advice even when i wasn't looking for it. Yes I thought i had one but she went and did me wrong and at a point i thought that all the ladies in the whole church was against me. I was ready to leave the church.
        Then it all changed. My husband and I went to a marriage retreat and the studies we learned were really tough lessons. As wel talked with other couples I would listen to my husband and it amazed me!! I could hear God moving in his heart!! I kept praying for God to bring men from our church to continue working with my husband.
         As I prayed for friends I was told by a lady that it takes a friend to be a friend and that was true! So I reached out to ladies and was friendly to them. I am so glad I did  that because now I have the most amazing friends!  Not only that but I  am learning to be a better friend to the ones I already have!!! So God really answered my prayer and brought me friends.  Yes the devil is trying to cause problems so that i may feel like I don't have friends or that I can't trust any of them. One thing i do know is what God makes strong the devil can't break so I am holding on to my friends. :)
       When we got back from the marriage retreat the couples were still in contact with my husband and I! There was This certain couple where the man followed up on my husband and studied the bible with my husband.  The wife would study with me as well. We never had anyone do that with us at our church.  I kinda felt like maybe because we don't belong to a certain group at church maybe thats why we are falling through the cracks. So I prayed about it and asked the Lord if I should say something.  So my husband did but I think the pastor didn't understand what he was saying.  So I continued to pray that God gives me what to say because I need it to not be emotional.  But I couldn't take it and i went to talk to the assistant pastor and he understood.  I am so glad God put it in my heart to say something! 
      Now I can honestly say that God is really moving in our lives!! And that I can not only see it in my husband but in myself as well!! God answers prayers, it may not be in your timing but it is all in Gods timing. :)

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