Thursday, November 28, 2013

With a greatful heart ♥♥♥

Today is Thanksgiving and I have a lot to be greatful for. First of all to God all mighty. No I am not that person that gives God thanks and then go commit sin. I am committed to God and He is a big part of my life. Without him I am nothing and I would have nothing. So Thank you God for everything you have done in my life and for my life.
     I am also thankful for my husband. We may not be the perfect couple or be the trophy coupe and we may not have alot but one thing I do know we have enough of is love. We are not big on the materialistic things and we both know that money can't buy happiness so my husband is home with us instead of working and working and working just to buy me things. He understand family time and my needyness hehe. God knew I needed a man like him in my life as an unsaved person God still worked in my life.
    My girls make me extremely greatful. I can't imagine my life without them!! They fill me with so much!! They make me smile and laugh,  they make me happy when I am sad, also they make me cry and feel frustrated.  Honestly without it all I wouldn't be the mom I am now. God knew I needed to love and showed me love. A childs love is sooo innocent and unconditional, just like Gods love is and that is how He loves each and everyone of us.
    I am grateful for my family.  My sisters and my mom, without them I would be really lonely. Yes just like all family members they drive you up the wall but when the day ends all you have left is family. I love them and I am sure they love me...I hope hehe. God put me in this family for a reason and again I am who I am because of my family.
  I am also greatful for my friends!!!! I don't just call anyone my friends because people nowadays are so hard to trust! But the people that I do call friends I know have my back no matter what. Some mae comfort me and sime tell me what I need to hear. ;) some friends I have had for a really really really really long time and some I have made within this year, and the ones I have are the best and I wouldn't trade them for anything!!! I have friends that people will say who would want to be friends with them and I proudly say I do and you better run for saying that cuz I am gonna beat you up!! Hehehe God knows who I need in my life and he brought me them!  Yes I am open to new friends to add to my circle ;)
  This thanksgiving God has truly blessed me and for that I am really greatful.  Give thanks to God plus it's not all about glits and glamor its about the small things ;)  HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!!!

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