Friday, October 11, 2013


So I just wanted to put it out there that yes I celebrate Halloween. No I don't make it about the scary or demonic stuff. Yes my kids know the meaning of Halloween *they go to a public school*. I teach them that we can still have fun without all the scary stuff or demonic stuff. They get to dress up and trick or treat.  I do decorate my house, now its not all scary with witches or demons. I decorate pumpkins and candcorn and maybe some cats. I go all out for Halloween and Christmas,  and trust me my kids know the true meaning of Christmas too. I don't celebrate the devil if i have a party on Halloween.  I make it fun for my kids and myself.  Its not my kids fault that there are stupid people out there and wanna make it more that what it is. To me and my family its a time to dress up *nothing scary or demonic* and get free candy. This year Ia prepared to have a house full of kids, I am gonna have a "party" games and food and trick or treating afterwards.  Now if that offends you then I am sorry don't try to make me feel bad cuz it won't work. I hope everyone has a safe Halloween and I love to see pictures of costumes as well as I will be taking some myself ;) HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!!

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