Saturday, November 8, 2014

Seek encouragement

Why is it when someone feels down or sad or just beat up by life they don't go ask for help or encouragement?  I know why I personally don't because I get shy or scared people will not understand what I am going through.  I am learning tho that when I do decide to open up and say something someone comes up to me and says "I feel the same way" or "I know exactly what you mean" or "u am going through the exact same thing" then after that I feel better that I said something. So here I am saying something.
     So my husband started a second job he works from 7 am to 1 am the next morning. It's been really hard for me. I don't know about everyone else but I have grown used to my husband being around. He became my best friend, my companion, my partner. So I for used to him being with me a lot. I am hurting right now. With these late night of staying up waiting for him my mind starts to go places I try and pray to keep away from but hey I am a woman, we crazy! !😉 so I start to feel really lonely and sad. I start to think he must be talking to other women because he doesn't seem to be as lonely as I feel. Someone else must be filling in my spot. And then when he misses events we would do as a family with my girls school or church really gets to me. 😖😭 I just wanna cry and give in to my emotions. The only thing that is keeping me from breaking down is I won't be able to stop and I don't want my girls to see me like that.
     I don't know how women who have husband's who are in the military do it. I give you ladies gold stars!!! 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 also to the ladies who have husband's who work in other states too. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 I do understand now how women go cheat on their husbands while they are away. Being lonely is hard very hard especially when you have children to because you have to explain over and over and over and over where daddy is and why he isn't there. Just remember that he is doing this for the family. His efforts are not in vain. Those of us that stay strong and hold the house down show them that we appreciate everything they do for us. To those that went out and cheat well there is always a woman out there that will appreciate what you took for granted.
  OK ok ok back to my point. I say all my feelings because I need a friend that will encouraging my and just listen to me to just be there so I can cry and not make it seem like I am over reacting. But how do I all my friends that this is what I need without sounding needy lol. I'd that made sense lol. Me personally tell people don't be shy or embarrassed to ask me I don't mind being there while you have a melt down I won't judge. So I think do I have that kind of friend? Can I just say I am on the verge of a melt down can you help me. And what will they think of me if I walk up and say that?  And at some point do I have to ask? Don't they know being without a husband is hard and figure I am going through it and just come up and comfort me and encourage me without having to ask?  Who knows but I know once I find someone to have my melt down with I will look at my friends and find out who can I help.      
              Let's take a look at or friends and other around us, those are who is going through it but don't know how to or won't ask for encouragement. Let's see what we can do to help them and get them through this melt down. Like I said I am going to go help my friends but first I have to help myself. So my prayer is to open hearts that we as ladies, mothers, women of God go and help those who just need a person to sit as they cry it out. That our hearts will want to help others that we won't be able to sleep till we go and just let them know look I ain't leaving till you have your melt down lol
              Have a good night 😎

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