Monday, May 26, 2014

Jealous or to much

      So Sunday night the pastor preached to the husbands. He hit a lot of good points on how a man is supposed to treat his wife. Also how to be a leader of the family and what path your gonna lead your family down also how to raise up a man. That none of it is not possible without God.
       The pastor talked about the husband being jealous. He said that there was a point to where it was overbearing. On the other end to not even care. So that got me thinking.  Is my husband the jealous type?  I have never heard my husband ask who I was talking to or who I am going out with or even tell me not to wear a certain thing.
        I talked with my husband when we got home and I asked him why doesn't he get jealous?  I feel like maybe I am not attractive to where he doesn't have to worry about other men wanting to talk to me or even look at me. So when I asked him his answer was simple he isn't the jealous type. He was in a previous marriage and he said he was never jealous then either. He says he just needs to be the best he can be and not worry. Most of all he just isn't the jealous type. I had asked him if I were to talk to other guys would that bother him and he said Nope, so then I asked what if I went to hang out with a guy friend would that bother him and again his response was no.
      I know there are ladies out here that if thier husband gave them that kind of freedom they would abuse it and they would cheat. I know in my heart I can't do that. I have a guy friend I grew up with that we talk and I tell my husband everything we talk about. My husband says I don't have to tell him but I feel guilty when I don't. I don't even delete the messages so my husband knows I am not lying. I know my husband doesn't get jealous and sometimes that bothers me.
         Sometimes a little bit of "Hey don't look at my wife like that" or " Hey watch it man that's my wife" kinda feels good every now and then.  To me it shows he actually cares about me. I may be weird and the only one that says that but it's true I don't know, maybe because I have low confidence I want something to boost my confidence.
      Now don't get me wrong there are guys of the that take jealous to a whole new level. They don't know when to quit. Now I don't want that I have had my share of bad abusive relationship and I don't need all that in my life. So for those that might say something about that type of jealousy, I am not talking about that extreme.
         Is there not a in between jealousy?  Between not being jealous and being way to overly jealous? If not then I will definitely take the not being jealous any day. I know my limits and I won't cross them, I will not take advantage of my husband. Some people say men and women can't be friends and I say if you can't control yourself and keep your boundaries then yes don't tempt yourself. I,  personally,  can control myself, and I know when to say no *not that I let it even get that far*. I respect my marriage and I won't take advantage of my husband. The moment he tells me to not talk to a guy I will do it that simple. *that was for those who always have something smart to say*
    So I would like a little jealousy just so I know he cares but not to much where it's cray cray jealousy. 

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