Monday, May 12, 2014

A mother's prayer

As mother's day passes I can not help but think of each and every one of my children. Yes I have 4 girls none was planned but it doesn't change the fact that I love each one of them.  I also have 2 step children that I have love for them we don't get to see them as much as we like but I know that is going to change very soon. So in total I have 6 children that I love and I see each one of then as an individual and they have thier individual needs.
The oldest of the 6 is my step son Jace. He is my husband son and you can tell. They look so much a like and he has his dad's intelligence. Every time we see him I notice he needs his dad as he grows, I know a boy needs his dad as he grows to support him, encourage him,  lead him, and teach him.  It breaks my heart that we do not get them add much as we like but when we are together I encourage communication with dad. I make sure he knows dad lives him,  thinks about him, and loves him with all his heart.
         Second oldest is faith.  She is my mini me. So emotional, so easily hurt, and so friendly.  I was only 17 when I got pregnant with her but I finished high school as a single mom. As I went to school I felt like I wasn't doing my best for my child. I knew that my life is no longer mine. She was my world, she loved me back without asking for anything. I wanted someone to love me so much that when I saw her I knew she was going to love me and I was gonna love her. Till this day she loves me, she is so brave, she is smart and caring. She already gets drama at school but she knows that God will get her through anything.  She knows that if she prays God is listening to her. She tells me every night ,after I pray for her, she beloved in God because He answered her prayers.
       Next is my step daughter Madison. She is 3 months younger than faith, isn't God awesome to plan that. Oh madi loves her sisters!  When I first met my step children I was so scared they would reject me and my girls, but they were both loving. Madi is so happy to have sisters. She writes to my girls and tells them everything. She finally had someone to go shopping with, someone to play with, someone that doesn't want to do boy games. I do notice she to needs her dad. She needs someone to tell her she means the world to him, to hold her, to tell her she is beautiful. I know once we are closer she will blossom because she will have her daddy with her.
          The 4th is annalisa, she is the one that came out of a horrible horrible horrible relationship and has the most loving heart, most beautiful look on life, and the most forgiving person.  She cares about everyone. She tells kids at get school about God and how much he loves them. She always wants to give money to the offering to children church for the missions. She is always asking to sing songs about God. Whenever she talks about talents she says God blessed me with. ... She saw the play this passed Saturday about the rapture and it convicted her. She was crying her eyes out because she didn't want to be left behind. Then after church we are getting home and she asks me if we are going with her in the rapture and says she is afraid that faith won't go with us. It broke my heart, here she is caring about her sister and not herself. She believes she is sinning because she didn't tell enough people about God. Or she wasn't kind or giving enough that day.  I have learned a lot from her she has encouraged me to go out for God.
     My last 2 are Gabby and Zoe. They are the babies of the family they see everything.  They are constantly asking for Madi and Jace, asking when will faith and anna get back from school. They walk around the house singing songs from children's church and they even play children church with my nephew ben. I know I have a lot to teach them. To show them how to grow as children of God. To follow the path God has for them.
     As a mother I look at my children, these kids look up to me, they watch everything I do or say. How am I gonna teach them, what path am I going to lead them down? Do give them the jacked up childhood or teen years that I had. A split up home, in and out of endless relationships?  No I have promised God these children will follow Gods path. These children will know Gods love. I have learned that children don't do as you say they do as you do. So therefore I will be an example to my children. I will show them when times get hard we turn and pray to God, when times are good we turn and pray to God. My prayer is for each and every one of my children ,Yes all 6, will grow in the Lord, they will go out and be the light in this ugly world. I pray that if God willing my children will go win the rez for God and many other people.  I love all my children I will never change any of them. So this past mother day, I feel so loved even if I had to yell and spank and run after my kids I wouldn't change it gor the world. When I was pregnant with my last baby *they are 10 months apart* I was so down a friend told me God doesn't give you what you can't handle. Till this day I know it to be true because these kids get to me and I feel like I cant do this ,but I know God is always there for me.

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