So we left on a wed. the plan was to leave early in the morning but we didn't get everything packed in till around 9 hehe.

As you can see we were packed to the gills. hehe we also had stuff for my sis too. I have to say I am glad I was able to go with her, she knew what she was doing. In all honesty I wouldn't have gone without her because I would have no idea what i would be doing hehe. anyways we got there wed afternoon the weather was soooooo awesome!!! the guys unpacked while we got lunch ready. well we took some pictures and then got lunch ready hehe. I must say though I am so proud of my girls! they help dad put up the tent and even unpack the beast!! they did not complain at all about anything!! It did sprinkle wed evening and so we paused unpacking and enjoyed the nice cool weather. plus I got to use the ponchos that I bought hehehe. So wed night the rest of the church people got there. It was pretty cold that night so of course we went and helped the families get their tent up and fire going. Both of our phones died up there so we had no way of telling the time just that if it was light or dark. lol but I guess there were some grumps out there that yelled at us to go to sleep.
We got up Thursday and some people left a not on the bathrooms door saying how rude we were chopping wood late at night riding quads till 1 in the morning and singing songs all night. they also said they were gonna report us to the ranger. that quiet time is at 10. so of course I wouldn't be me if I didn't respond. So of course I was very polite about it. I didn't say any bad words or make fun of their momma, which I wanted to so bad I was so mad. but instead I put "If your not Native American you don't own the land Ps if you wanted quiet and privacy go get a hotel room PSS stop being old grumps" and I taped it back on the door for them to see. heheh of course after that everything was cool. lol but Thursday was pretty chill the husband got up early and the husbands went to Payson because of course we forgot some stuff so they went to go get what we were missing. Once they got back we walked to see the lake and catch crawfish. It was such a relaxed day!! We lost track of time and just went with the flow.
Friday we got up early....again! All the husbands went hunting. when they came back we went back to the lake this time there were more people with us and we had a blast. I was almost tempted to get wet in the lake, instead I got in the little boat!! I was so surprised of myself I didn't sink it!! hahah
so after we got back we packed up and left. :( I was soooo sad I didn't want to leave all my girls didn't wanna leave. They talked about how much fun they had and what they did. we stopped in Payson and got McDonalds to celebrate hehe. So leaving Payson we saw so much traffic trying to get into Payson!!! it went probably 8 miles outside the city!!!So to end my blog I say this. I titled it lost because I felt lost there, in a good way!!! I didn't care what time it was. I didn't even have my phone on me at all. the kids played games on it till it died. I was able to let my kids walk to the other camps. we got to visit with the families that were there and bond. I know that I will never forget camping. when I got home I felt full of joy and happiness. I know that's hard to believe lol but I did. I felt like my cup was full of joy and love and happiness that it was over flowing. I was soo thankful to God that he made such beautiful things that we could enjoy and marvel at. yet he still had time to make a little brat like me! till this day my heart is full and I just don't know what to do with it but give it all back in thanks to God. without him non of this would be possible. So thanks God for allowing me to get lost in your beauty.
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