I am sooo sorry I haven't blogged in a while. I have been wanting to blog about this subject for a while, I even came to the library to so I can blog and let the kids get Internet time too, but then I forgot what I was going to blog about lol. So here I am back the library and this time I remembered what I wanted to blog about :)
So this may be sad but the last movie I saw was "moms night out" I have to say I wasn't really interested in it to begin with. Then I heard about it on the radio over and over and over. I probably seen the previews and said oh my goodness I have to see this movie. However.....I don't remember. lol I watched that movie with my husband and girls. They didn't get to finish it because of bed time hehe. I must say I totally felt like I could relate to that movie!! They did a good job picking a good actress for the part. If you seen that movie you know what I am talking about lol. If you haven't seen the movie and your a mom single or married, I recommend you see it :)
The movie delt with a mom who only has 3 kids, and is getting frustrated with life kids and the husband. The husband tells her to go get a night out and go have time for herself. As a mom of 4 I have to say I need to do that!!! As moms we do sooo much, especially single mothers. Now I have to address the other end of the spectrum where every weekend you talk "time for yourself" and go get drunk. It doesn't count if you have them at daycare, nanny, or even grandmas everyday of the week and your only time with them is on the weekend you go out and get "alone time". Your time needs to be spent with your kids. ok I think I got that out of the way lol not sure yet.
As mothers we spend our time looking after little ones and even big ones...not to mention a husband. I find that we don't do a good job taking care of others if ourselves are not taken care of. IN the movie the mom goes out...or at least tries to go out. On her adventure of going out with friends she tries to help out her sis in law and things just gets worse from there and then her friends end up in jail. Its so funny all the things that happen. But at the end she realizes that all she wanted to do was help everyone that she seemed to need her help. As moms we get in the mode of "fixer" or "helper" that when we see people we know or are related to that need help we automatically decide to help them even if they don't actually need our help. We tend to forget that no everyone needs our help and not everyone will accept our help.
In the end she is sad because her "me" time didn't turn out as she had planned. The husband told her something along the lines of that she is important and how she is very much needed. I don't remember all that was said but man I do know that it made me cry. I don't know if I am the only mom that feels like this but there are times where I do feel like what I am doing is not important, that I don't matter. I also feel like there are times where its never ending!!! like I just yelled at that kid to put that away like a bazillion times!!! I even get overwhelmed because I think like oh my goodness I have to do this all over again tomorrow!! After I saw that movie I felt in my heart that I am important and what I do does matter. I may not see the fruit of my labor right away. No I don't get paid in cash value for what I do. Also that I do need some time away just for me! Its so hard for me because i don't have the money for it or I don't have a friend just to accompany me. But I know its important to do it so I can fell refreshed and ready to tackle my everyday job.
I remember a telemarketer called me and asked what I did for a living and I said stay at home mom and he laughed and asked if we could exchange jobs. I laughed and said sure!!! and told him just so you know my job doesn't end at 5 or even start at 9, I don't get vacation time or even sick days and I don't get to clock out. He stopped laughing and said oh yeah I'll keep my job. I had to laugh and then yell at my kids lol. Soooo MOMS WE ARE IMPORTANT!!! Our kids are the future how are we raising them? what we do doesn't go unnoticed, sure we picked up that toy like 50 times but hey you know there will be a point where we will miss that little toy. If your a mom and you need a break please let me know I am sure we will find something to talk about lol So moms remember we are important no matter what!!! :)
things that i think about as well as things that happen and things that might upset me :)
Monday, September 29, 2014
Thursday, September 4, 2014
Getting lost camping
So the week before labor day I went camping with my family, and people from church. I must say first of all is that I was never a camping person. My sis would invite me and my family every year and well I would say no and say I don't want to go pretend I am homeless. hahaha But yeah this year it came all together. My husband never asked to go or even pushed it on me we just went one day and looked at the camping gear, I knew it was coming up on that time and my sis was gonna ask as usual, so we were looking at tents and stuff. The tents all seemed to be pretty expensive to me so I was leaving the isle and I saw a tent for 80 bucks when I turned it around to look at the front to see how many people it fit, it was a 8 person tent! so of course we bought it lol. Then everything was coming together, the sleeping bags, the food and everything so we went! The kids were so excited they counted down the days till we left.
So we left on a wed. the plan was to leave early in the morning but we didn't get everything packed in till around 9 hehe.
So to end my blog I say this. I titled it lost because I felt lost there, in a good way!!! I didn't care what time it was. I didn't even have my phone on me at all. the kids played games on it till it died. I was able to let my kids walk to the other camps. we got to visit with the families that were there and bond. I know that I will never forget camping. when I got home I felt full of joy and happiness. I know that's hard to believe lol but I did. I felt like my cup was full of joy and love and happiness that it was over flowing. I was soo thankful to God that he made such beautiful things that we could enjoy and marvel at. yet he still had time to make a little brat like me! till this day my heart is full and I just don't know what to do with it but give it all back in thanks to God. without him non of this would be possible. So thanks God for allowing me to get lost in your beauty.
So we left on a wed. the plan was to leave early in the morning but we didn't get everything packed in till around 9 hehe.

As you can see we were packed to the gills. hehe we also had stuff for my sis too. I have to say I am glad I was able to go with her, she knew what she was doing. In all honesty I wouldn't have gone without her because I would have no idea what i would be doing hehe. anyways we got there wed afternoon the weather was soooooo awesome!!! the guys unpacked while we got lunch ready. well we took some pictures and then got lunch ready hehe. I must say though I am so proud of my girls! they help dad put up the tent and even unpack the beast!! they did not complain at all about anything!! It did sprinkle wed evening and so we paused unpacking and enjoyed the nice cool weather. plus I got to use the ponchos that I bought hehehe. So wed night the rest of the church people got there. It was pretty cold that night so of course we went and helped the families get their tent up and fire going. Both of our phones died up there so we had no way of telling the time just that if it was light or dark. lol but I guess there were some grumps out there that yelled at us to go to sleep.
We got up Thursday and some people left a not on the bathrooms door saying how rude we were chopping wood late at night riding quads till 1 in the morning and singing songs all night. they also said they were gonna report us to the ranger. that quiet time is at 10. so of course I wouldn't be me if I didn't respond. So of course I was very polite about it. I didn't say any bad words or make fun of their momma, which I wanted to so bad I was so mad. but instead I put "If your not Native American you don't own the land Ps if you wanted quiet and privacy go get a hotel room PSS stop being old grumps" and I taped it back on the door for them to see. heheh of course after that everything was cool. lol but Thursday was pretty chill the husband got up early and the husbands went to Payson because of course we forgot some stuff so they went to go get what we were missing. Once they got back we walked to see the lake and catch crawfish. It was such a relaxed day!! We lost track of time and just went with the flow.
Friday we got up early....again! All the husbands went hunting. when they came back we went back to the lake this time there were more people with us and we had a blast. I was almost tempted to get wet in the lake, instead I got in the little boat!! I was so surprised of myself I didn't sink it!! hahah
so after we got back we packed up and left. :( I was soooo sad I didn't want to leave all my girls didn't wanna leave. They talked about how much fun they had and what they did. we stopped in Payson and got McDonalds to celebrate hehe. So leaving Payson we saw so much traffic trying to get into Payson!!! it went probably 8 miles outside the city!!!So to end my blog I say this. I titled it lost because I felt lost there, in a good way!!! I didn't care what time it was. I didn't even have my phone on me at all. the kids played games on it till it died. I was able to let my kids walk to the other camps. we got to visit with the families that were there and bond. I know that I will never forget camping. when I got home I felt full of joy and happiness. I know that's hard to believe lol but I did. I felt like my cup was full of joy and love and happiness that it was over flowing. I was soo thankful to God that he made such beautiful things that we could enjoy and marvel at. yet he still had time to make a little brat like me! till this day my heart is full and I just don't know what to do with it but give it all back in thanks to God. without him non of this would be possible. So thanks God for allowing me to get lost in your beauty.
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