Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Choose carefully

I am sure everyone has heard the saying your choices have consequences, and I am sure not everyone believes that. When I was younger I never believed that, we'll what teen does. Now as a mother I know all my decision effect my children so I am careful of what I do. 
      Recently we are planning to move to new Mexico but my pastor shed some light to my plans. He said in our current situation we had to get our family together before we move. He said that our decision now will later not be liked we had planned. It's true with our family currently not together the move will only widen the gap.  So we will definitely take time to build our marriage, our family, and our spirtuality before we make the move. That opened my eyes that as much good intentions our choice to move is, we have to have look at who will be effected and how everything will be effected.
       Another recent effect of my choices happened very recent. My oldest daughter started to all about her real dad. I don't know much about him. I was young, I wanted someone to love me and the only way I thought I would very someone to love me is by sex. And that is how I had my oldest daughter. As I talked with her and I asked her why did she want to know now.  She said she just wanted to know if anyone was looking for her.  Oh my heart broke!  I couldn't lie to her anymore she was old enough to understand. So I told her the truth and it hurt me but I realized right them and there that my choices effect her in so many ways. I told her she had the right to be mad at me or even hate me because of my bad decisions but she understood. We cried and talked about it but in the end she knew she has a dad who loves her very much. 
        So please when you do things for yourself think how is this going to effect my kids, loved ones, or my other half. The effect may not show up right away or even a couple of days but it will eventually come up. So I beg please please please think before you act.

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