Saturday, June 28, 2014

Is it really worth it?

So lately a lot of people that I know and close too are leaving the church. Every reason is different but none of them are justified at all.  I can understand both the reason to leave and the reason why you should stay. Me, personally, I stay because I need God in my life. I have tried to live my life without him and do things in my own and in all honesty I can not do it without Him. Sure the rules of the church suck and yes they only enforce it when it is convenient to them, but that is not the reason I go at all.  Some people need those rules because they don't know self control or they don't know how to do be responsible for their actions. Even they care to much of how high they get on the church ladder. In the end when you die or when the rapture comes, only you are in front of God. Not you and the rules of the church, not you and the pastor, or not even the excuses why you left church will help you. God looks at your heart. He looks at how you lived you life, what you did with what you learned at church. Not what rules you kept, or which pastor you were under. Trust me there are plenty of reasons why I don't want to be there. The way people look down on me because I don't go to every outreach or because I am not part of the "future pastors wife of America" Club. But you know I am not there for them. I have issues and the only way I can get better is by listening to Gods word and fixing what is in my heart. No amount of outreach or women's clean up is gonna change me only God's good word is. So I say to all those that need a "break" from church. ... cut your crap!!! God isn't taking a break from you!  He didn't leave you because of the rules you "broke" and He sees right through all those people that are fake in ministry. God wants you the way you are.  It is a battle every time I go to church because the devil tells me "no one wants you there" or "why go everyone there is fake" "why go all those people are all talking about you" "you don't need to be there no one is looking for you anyways". And every time I hear that I remeber all the crap God took me out of and continues to save me from. I know without God my life would be a whole lot worse. So I go. I am me 100% I don't need to be fake for anything or anyone. I am who I am at home at church and on Facebook.  So friends don't give in and leave the church because if what was done by man. Go to church because you know that without God your life, your marriage, your children will not survive this cruel world. Go back to Gods open arms he is waiting for you to come back as you are not as the church wants you to be.  No you don't have to go to a fellowship church go where you feel God, go where you will get fed by God's Word, go where you can worship God and be who you are. As for me I will continue to go to church and I will continue to be me, the person God made me. Oh and a whole lot of people may not like that and I could careless. I am not there for them or to become likw them I am there for God to become a better me in God.

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