Monday, April 14, 2014


So lately I have been teased about my weight. Yes I am fat, yes I have a fat belly, and yes I have a double chin. So before I start I have to put out there that I am happy with the way I look and my weight!!!
When I was a teenager I only weighed 90lbs I got prego and at the end of the pregnancy I weighed 100lbs. With my 3 pregnancy I didn't care about what I weighed I ate what I wanted. By the end of my 3rd pregnancy I was almost 200lbs! I was 185!  Then I got pregnant again and no I did not plan it at all. Trust me I don't wish back to back babies on anyone. Anyways I was on birth control that didn't let loosing weight a easy task. I got my tubes tied and got of birth control and now I don't see the need to want to loose weight right away.

I can still walk and my husband can pick me up, so I am not that fat. People think it's Ok to comment on my weight or what I eat or drink and I take it because well I don't mind at all. I am not going to watch what I eat or eat rabbit food and stop drinking soda because people have a problem with all that I have.  I am not going be at a place and wish I could eat this and wish that I could have that. I am going to eat it and drink that and get the double scoop. To be honest I think to skinny is ugly because where is your padding?

I notice that when there is a couple and the lady starts losing weight, to much weight, the marriage starts to fall apart because that person is so focused on what they look like and going to the gym rather than spending time with family. I don'tneed to look good for other people or get attention from others by showing that I work out or even show off my body.  If I plan to loose weight I want to do it with my husband. Plus I don't think going back to high school weight is the right thing to do. Let's let the past be in the past. Let's let high school stay in high school we are grown now.

So with all that said let me put it out there words do hurt at the end of the day. I am happy as can be with all my extra padding and I am not going to look at food and say oh man I wish I could eat the, I am going to eat it!  You do only live once ;) now don't get me wrong I have skinny friends and skinny fits them and I am happy for them.  :) back in the day size 16 was considered beautiful and sexy. So as long as my husband and my kids think good of me then that's all that matters. Ok so people say about deseas that are associated with being considered fat and I will let you know I don't accept any of that!  I serve a mighty God and He will protect me from all illness that people will try to put on me.  :) I am fat and I am beautiful!

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