Friday, March 7, 2014


 So most of you don't know it but last week I went to Mexico all by myself. hehe yes I drove the whole way too. :) oh yes I am cool like that and I have the most awesome husband that allows me to do thinks like that ;) The reason I went is because my best friend lives there with her husband and her family. She had to come and take care of business for a bit and no one was able to bring her here or pick her up, so being the best friend that I am I went to go pick her up.

Here is a picture of her and I with her kids eating before we left for the drive back :)

      So before I went, no one wanted to go with me because they had work, school, or kids. A lot of people were worried that I would disappear once I crossed the boarder. So that got me a little bit worried, but my friend met me at the boarder and we drove to her house together. I had planned to leave about 5 in the morning but I ended up leaving about 6 hehe. PS>> If you are planning on going to rocky point chandler is the fastest way to go it cuts down an hour and half <<< On my way out of queen creek I heard on the radio that on 43 and Bethany in phx that there was a shooting and all of Bethany was closed the light rail was effected and so was the freeway. I left and went to pick up my friend. I wanted to go to the beach but I don't know the time for the perfect tide so i couldn't get it boooo. hehe We made sure that her children were all safe and everything was OK , and we left about 1 in the afternoon.
        As we headed back to the boarder my tire blew! I was trying to pass someone and as soon as I passed that person, that is when my tire blew. I didn't even have a chance to get out of my van before a truck pulled up and a kid asked what happened (of course it is all in Spanish) *my Spanish is not that good lol* I told the guy that my tire blew. I didn't know if we has a spare or the tools to change the tire. On top of all of that I had no service to call my husband and my friend ran out of minutes to make a call anyways. I did find the jack and those kids jacked up the van and then we didn't know how to bring down the spare!! We didn't have any tools so I was kind of panicking hehe. Then this dump truck pulled up and it seemed like the guys knew each other, and they had the tool needed to bring down the tire, then they left. Next thing I knew the tire was fixed and those guys were gone. I didn't have time to offer them anything. oooh and when the tire blew it blew my gas tub pinch shut hehe if that makes any sense. so I only had 1/4 of a tank and I was planning of getting gas once we were state side. So I was kind of worried how we were going to get back. When we got to sonoyita (boarder city) we stopped at a llantera (tireshop) and asked the guy if he could help fix it and how much he would charge (sometimes people take advantage of Americans and charge them a lot for everything) The tire guy opened my gas tub and stuck it back in place NO CHARGE!!! he said whatever we could give him!! God was really watching over us. We made it back home safe and happy. 
This is my tire once we got it changed.